Primary Schools – Hands on Heart

All day | £150.00

9:00 am


At your Primary school, main hall

Please do invite us to your primary school for the day. Our paramedics can work with you to plan a timetable to allow all the children quality time to recognise the poorly patient, call for assistance and start to offer the skills of saving a persons life.

The U.K. does not have the greatest statistics in saving people’s lives outside of the hospital environment. Educating the layperson in these very basic, but fundamental skills is definitely a way in which the country can improve on its poor statistics. Having run this programme now in schools for a number of years, the children have shown us that they have the understanding and ability to recognise and treat the unconscious person.

We typically arrive at the start of the school day, setting up in the main hall. All year groups are invited in, following the pre-planned timetable. Delivery of the training is adjusted for each of the different year groups, but all workshops focus heavily on individual risk and calling for adult support. From here we continue the training around recognising and treating the patient with Basic Life Support (BLS) skills. Key stage 2 children even get their hands on defibrillators and get to have a go for themselves.

I believe that this training should be ‘hands on’. We arrive with plenty of manikins (all with their own names, given by the children), to allow the training to be interactive, fun but also informative, with life saving skills. The Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) race at the end of the workshop, is always a big favourite, and it’s always great to see the children advising and supporting their team in high quality CPR.

If you would like to go ahead with some training in the school, do contact us via email and quote ‘Hands on Heart’.