Dentist Practice Basic Life Support CPD Training

2 hr | £250.00

Arranged on booking

Paramedic Trainer

At your practise or training venue

Choice Medics can arrange to come to your practice to deliver this 2 hour training session with one of our experienced paramedic trainers.
The course is aimed at all staff at the practice including non-clinical members.

This CPD course meets the criteria for the GDC’s development outcomes C and has the main objectives of training include:

  • Utilising the ABCDE approach to recognise and treat the deteriorating patient – paediatrics and adults
  • Recognise and treat patients in medical emergencies and air way compromise including anaphylaxis, shock, choking and fainting
  • Understand medical conditions associated with a risk of deterioration and how to manage these patient groups in a medical emergency in clinical practice. This includes Epilepsy, Diabetes, Acute Asthma, COPD and Cardiovascular Disease (Angina, Stroke and Heart Attack)
  • When and how to deliver oxygen when airways are compromised to establish and maintain ventilation
  • Maintenance of the oxygen cylinder in use
  • Deliver standard CPR in adults and children including AED
  • Understand how emergency drugs work and when to use them in clinical practice. This includes adrenaline/epinephrine injection, adrenaline 1 in 1000, Aspirin dispersible 300mg tablets, Glucogon injection 1 unit vial (with solvent), Oral Glucose, Glyceryl trinitrate sublingual spray, Midazolam Oro mucosal solution, salbutamol 100mcg/metered dose inhaler

Our trainers use visual and physical aids to support learning, following the guidance set out by the Resuscitation Council UK to ensure all staff enjoy, but understand the important objectives set.

Through email or phone call we will be more than happy to discuss with you any adjustment you may require with the foundation objectives set.

Numbers of learners on the course is dependant on the size of your training area. It is advised not to have a greater number of 16 learners, to allow the trainer time to support staff with the practical elements of the training.

Certification is included to each learner. Certification will list learning objectives undertaken and display the 2 hours of CPD time.